Best Psychological Thriller Movies That Will Make You Question Everything

Forensic is a mysterious psychological thriller movie written and directed by Akhilpaul and Anas Khan. It’s their debut film in their directorial career and came up with wonderful results. This film is first of its kind in terms of science films as the major part of the story revolves around a professional forensic lab. A first-class film you could watch for classic times. The suspense and excitement it leaves, will put you on the edge.

Cast and Crew:

Actor: Tovino Thomas

Actress: Mamta Mohandas

Other actors: Reba Monika John, ThamannaPramod, Giju John, Anil Murali

Director: Akhil Paul and Anas Khan

Writer: Akhil Paul and Anas Khan

Cinematography: Akhil George

Music: James Bejoy

Distributor: Century release

Other Information:

Runtime: 134 minutes

Release date: 28 February 2020

Genre:  Psychological Mystery-Thriller, Investigative.

Story Line:

The story begins with a psychologically ill mannered kid getting beaten up by his father for his psychotic actions. He brings the heads of animals which he killed and stores them in glass bottles along with some unusual small animals which are still alive. For teaching him a lesson in such a way, he takes a rope and kills his father as revenge. Then another story of a professional medico legal adviser (Samuel John) who is keen in his side of expertise, puts his entire curiosity in a new case that he gets, and the police officer who was assigned to that case is his brother’s wife. The case is about dead bodies of girl kids getting caught in some unusual areas. Samuel works along with a police officer to find out the killer and in the meantime, they get to understand that the killer is not a man but another kid who is under 4 feet. These results just blew their minds as there are alot of previous incidents of child psychopaths in India who have killed a lot of people when they were around the age of 10. Samuel uses his forensic abilities to find out the reasons for each and every detail to which they get access. What paths do Samuel choose to uncover that one criminal from all the suspects list and what secrets will be revealed in choosing those paths will be the mystery to the end. You can watch forensic movie online only on Aha.

Artist’s Performance:

– Tovino Thomas acting as a professional medico legal advisor was just decent and professional. His dialogue delivery met his class.

– Mamatha Mohandas acting towards her character with such a profession just made her more active. She is just like she ever was, the best.

– Dr. Alphonse Kurian’s acting is great.

– All the other actors who played in negative and positive roles have been great.

Technical Aspects:

– Script writing is good. Focused on details of professional aspects in forensic labs.

– Cinematography, editing and coloring of the film had set a mood.

– BGM of the film is more intense and will be more of a thrilling experience.

Forensic is the best psychological thriller movie that will make you question everything and one of the best thriller movies with an equally cinematic experience.

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A Basic Yet Very Helpful RuneScape Guide For Beginners

RuneScape is one of the oldest, yet still very popular MMORPGs these days. It has hundreds of thousands of players and there is no reason for you not to try this game soon. It is readily available to play on desktop and mobile. So if you have a growing interest to give RuneScape a try, then you definitely need this guide. This is what will help you prepare for your RuneScape gaming journey.

The Gielinor

Once you have made a character you will automatically be transported to the island of Ashdale. Gudrik will meet you on your first day and help you get around. It is important that you complete the tutorial to thoroughly understand the game’s interface as well as the most important aspects of RuneScape.

Get To Know the Minimap

The game has a very large map and it is easy to get lost. So you need to get yourself acquainted with the minimap. This will show you the surroundings. The “Home” teleport will return you to any lodestone that you have already visited. If you want to find your next adventure, make sure you know where to locate the “World Map.”

Facing Challenges

Once you are more familiar with the map, it is time to face some challenges. The game has a ‘classless progression system.’ That means that there is no storyline for you to follow. And it can be difficult to decide what to do first. If you are at a loss, just click the “Path System” and it will point you to the right direction based on your quest as well as your combat and non-combat skills.

runescape gold

Opening Quests

The RuneScape quests is what makes it different from the other MMORPGs. You can visit your Quest Journal to know which one you should do first. There are different quests for you to do, but that would depend on your level. This way, you can complete the ones that are specifically designed for beginners.

The RS Gold

Of course, for you to buy some gears and other items that you will need to make your character stronger, you will need the runescape gold. This is the game’s primary currency and there are ways for you to earn it – mining, fishing, woodcutting, etc. But if you do not want to spend time doing this, you can purchase them online as well.

Learning How To Combat

If you want to be better and stronger, then you need to hone your combat skills. Many players spend most of their days levelling up their combat skills. There are different places for you to do this – Combat Academy, Slayer, Pest Control, and the Abandoned Mine – Burthorpe.

Getting yourself ready for RuneScape will not be easy. But like other players, experience will be your best teacher. There is no right from wrong on what to do first in this game. There is no specific storyline to follow so you can go around and find a good place to start.

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The Digital sports watch

Sports watches are unique and designed to be easy to read and durable. You can use them participating in any sport. Digital sports watches come in many styles and designs. You should think about what type of sport you like to practice and what type of watch is right for you. Although you might think you can use any type of watch, some will break easily. In the end, it will often replace the watch and damage what you like to wear. You can have a watch for daily use and then a watch when you exercise.

 Digital sports watch

The Digital sports watch

Sports watches are unique and designed to be easy to read and durable. You can use them participating in any sport. Digital sports watches come in many styles and designs. You should think about what type of sport you like to practice and what type of watch is right for you. Although you might think you can use any type of watch, some will break easily. In the end, it will often replace the watch and damage what you like to wear. You can have a watch for daily use and then a watch when you exercise.

Digital sports watches have many different functions that often determine the price of a watch.

The more functions, the more expensive it will be, you should consider if you need all the functions. You will have to study different clocks to compare different functions and styles. If you have reduced your choice, the selection process will be easier. There are basic functions that all digital sports watches should have. This is a stopwatch, alarm clock and timer.

You should also look for sports watches that are waterproof and even shockproof. It’s great if you’re a diver or intend to get wet. Many new watches will also have calculators, compasses and thermometers. This ensures that you get the best of your watch at all times. You can also look at the material of a digital sports watch, as some can cause irritation. If you buy a bracelet or straps, they can be easily put on. Divers often buy rubber sports watches so that the watch and belt do not corrode.

If you are a runner, there are several features that are useful. It is very important to have a digital sports watch that you can see clearly with your arm extended. There must be a function to record your time and repeat workouts. An ideal feature is the ability to record your story on the clock. This will allow you to verify and ensure that you are progressing well during your training. A very modern watch will even allow you to download data to your PC at home. More information that you can easily collect will allow you to see where you can improve your performance and enjoy a better time.


After studying all the clock options, you can decide which clock style is most suitable for you. There are many different types, and a decision can be intimidating when it comes to making a decision. If you look at all your options and investigate well, you will find the perfect watch for you. You can easily buy them in good sports stores and even online, which is ideal. Sports watches look great and have excellent features and capabilities. They will help you train and improve your sport, which is the ultimate goal.

The more functions, the more expensive it will be, you should consider if you need all the functions. You will have to study different clocks to compare different functions and styles. If you have reduced your choice, the selection process will be easier. There are basic functions that all digital sports watches should have. This is a stopwatch, alarm clock and timer.

You should also look for sports watches that are waterproof and even shockproof. It’s great if you’re a diver or intend to get wet. Many new watches will also have calculators, compasses and thermometers. This ensures that you get the best of your watch at all times. You can also look at the material of a digital sports watch, as some can cause irritation. If you buy a bracelet or straps, they can be easily put on. Divers often buy rubber sports watches so that the watch and belt do not corrode.

If you are a runner, there are several features that are useful. It is very important to have a digital sports watch that you can see clearly with your arm extended. There must be a function to record your time and repeat workouts. An ideal feature is the ability to record your story on the clock. This will allow you to verify and ensure that you are progressing well during your training. A very modern watch will even allow you to download data to your PC at home. More information that you can easily collect will allow you to see where you can improve your performance and enjoy a better time.


After studying all the clock options, you can decide which clock style is most suitable for you. There are many different types, and a decision can be intimidating when it comes to making a decision. If you look at all your options and investigate well, you will find the perfect watch for you. You can easily buy them in good sports stores and even online, which is ideal. Sports watches look great and have excellent features and capabilities. They will help you train and improve your sport, which is the ultimate goal.

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Wedding photography: did you get what you need to become a wedding photographer?

A career in wedding photography is very rewarding. Why shouldn’t it be; He fulfills his dream of making money doing what he loves, and it can’t be better than that.

However, starting a business is not for the faint of heart; There is a steep learning curve, and it can fall and recover several times. The key must not be surrendered under any obstacle. Perseverance is the key to success. Most people make mistakes in the first year, either at a lower price, because they choose unwanted customers or choose the wrong suppliers. In fact, you never stop studying in this business, and this makes it interesting. You can fall into almost every trap, but in the end it is a good exercise, since you never make the same mistakes again. So don’t be disappointed and don’t give up when things seem difficult. This is a necessary and invaluable learning experience.

I always say that a successful wedding photography business is 50% of photographyand 50% of sales, marketing and impeccable administration. You may know that some fantastic business-based photographers just fall in the face because they lack the other necessary sales and marketing skills that are so necessary; Good business acumen with smart and effective sales and marketing is the key to great success in the industry. At the same time, you will see that average, but consistent, photographers are successful in business, since the 50/50 balance is almost perfect and they are excellent in marketing.

Wedding photography

Wedding photography is a difficult career on the coast

Although it is extremely pleasant and useful (especially when you see the admirable faces of the couple looking at their beautiful photographs in search of memories, full of pleasant memories), it can also be very stressful without proper preparation and experience. There is no second chance to shoot if everything goes wrong, and you must remember that it captures one of the most important, if not the most important, days in the life of a man and a woman together.

The digital era has revolutionized wedding photography

This has made the business more creative, easier to manage than flexible film, does not require more expensive processing of multiple film reels and also allows Photoshop’s flexibility to be manipulative and creative.

It seems that a shoulder load was taken when you can take 600 photos without panicking about processing costs and the need to change film rolls. However, along with digital technologies, the computer has additional processing time and many skills that must be mastered to reduce this time. It is important to understand what you are doing in the digital world, and it can be a steep learning curve, but it is worth the risk, as the rewards are excellent.

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Adopt Pets from the Shelter

Some people feel that when they purchase a pet at a pet store, they really get the best pet that they can show off to their friends. This is a purebred pet bought at a pet store, where did they get it from? This is a question that people want to know. The parents of this animal suffered, for example, from a puppy mill to produce this terribly purebred pet that you wanted so badly. The show opened people’s eyes to what was happening behind the scenes of where some of these pet stores acquire their animals.

There are many pets that were bred clean and ended up in shelters because they did not have a home

Parents were not sterilized or neutered, their owners abandoned them because the owners were too old and could no longer have them they moved to care, they had problems with allergies, they broke up, they could no longer afford it, children, and there could be no reason for the fault of these animals. Some may have ended them because of cruelty from previous owners or from blaming the puppies themselves.

There are purebred, mixed breeds of dissimilar animals that you are looking for and perhaps are trying to decide which breed to get  instead, you could get the best of both breeds in one mixed animal. Do you think these pets will love you less because they are not purebred or will care because they are not purebred? Think about the fact that most people are not members of the royal family or from high society of the elect, so why worry about whether your pet is purebred or not.

Pets from the Shelter

Animals from the shelter, whether it be a dog or a cat, no matter what animal is in the shelter, have already been checked for behavioral problems, health problems, they have been given injections, given a clean health score or they would not have been ready for adoption, and either ovaries have been removed and already castrated, or in some cases a voucher for this is issued. The animals from the shelters are well taken care of to be sure that they are ready for adoption, and even then the shelters study the family that adopts them to make sure that the connection with the pet is suitable for both. Therefore, you get more from the shelter than from the pet store, which costs more.


In some cases, animals from the pet store came from puppy breeding factories or from a pedigree mill, where parents never saw any human interaction, were never out of the cage, kept in poor conditions, had inadequate medical care, which led to behavior problems and problems with health that may not appear for several months after. These problems can cost thousands of dollars, if treated at all.

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