A career in wedding photography is very rewarding. Why shouldn’t it be; He fulfills his dream of making money doing what he loves, and it can’t be better than that.
However, starting a business is not for the faint of heart; There is a steep learning curve, and it can fall and recover several times. The key must not be surrendered under any obstacle. Perseverance is the key to success. Most people make mistakes in the first year, either at a lower price, because they choose unwanted customers or choose the wrong suppliers. In fact, you never stop studying in this business, and this makes it interesting. You can fall into almost every trap, but in the end it is a good exercise, since you never make the same mistakes again. So don’t be disappointed and don’t give up when things seem difficult. This is a necessary and invaluable learning experience.
I always say that a successful wedding photography business is 50% of photographyand 50% of sales, marketing and impeccable administration. You may know that some fantastic business-based photographers just fall in the face because they lack the other necessary sales and marketing skills that are so necessary; Good business acumen with smart and effective sales and marketing is the key to great success in the industry. At the same time, you will see that average, but consistent, photographers are successful in business, since the 50/50 balance is almost perfect and they are excellent in marketing.
Wedding photography is a difficult career on the coast
Although it is extremely pleasant and useful (especially when you see the admirable faces of the couple looking at their beautiful photographs in search of memories, full of pleasant memories), it can also be very stressful without proper preparation and experience. There is no second chance to shoot if everything goes wrong, and you must remember that it captures one of the most important, if not the most important, days in the life of a man and a woman together.
The digital era has revolutionized wedding photography
This has made the business more creative, easier to manage than flexible film, does not require more expensive processing of multiple film reels and also allows Photoshop’s flexibility to be manipulative and creative.
It seems that a shoulder load was taken when you can take 600 photos without panicking about processing costs and the need to change film rolls. However, along with digital technologies, the computer has additional processing time and many skills that must be mastered to reduce this time. It is important to understand what you are doing in the digital world, and it can be a steep learning curve, but it is worth the risk, as the rewards are excellent.